UL electron wire

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Mr Li


Miss Wang




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There are many common UL electronic wire manufacturers, and UL electronic wires are mainly distinguished by insulation and sheath materials. According to the different insulation and sheath materials, it is mainly divided into PVC electronic wires / low-smoke halogen-free electronic wires / silicone wires / Teflon electronic wires. The cost of ul electronic wire mainly includes the cost of copper price and the cost of rubber material, so the cost of electronic wire = the cost of copper price + the cost of rubber material.

Performance and advantages:

UL electronic wire flexible mineral insulated cables produced by ul electronic wire manufacturers are a collection of performance advantages of plastic cables, and "fire prevention" is just one of its intuitive performance. Non-combustible, flexible, explosion-proof, anti-corrosion, waterproof, anti-magnetic, anti-mechanical damage (including animal bites), large current carrying capacity, strong overload capacity, etc., any of the performance effects are far superior to plastic cables. And has very good riot resistance, can prevent the steam flame from passing between the cable connection parts. And its diameter is smaller than other cables with the opposite extra current, and it is waterproof. It is particularly strong and durable, and can be destroyed by violent machines without damaging other electrical functions.


1. UL electronic wire manufacturers remind you: ul electronic wire is overloaded for a long time. Due to the thermal effect of current, the load current must cause the conductor to heat up when the load current passes through the cable. At the same time, the skin effect of charge and the eddy current loss of the steel armor The insulation dielectric loss will also generate additional heat, which will increase the temperature of the cable. During long-term overload operation, excessive temperature will accelerate the aging of the insulation, and even the insulation will be broken down. Especially in the hot summer, the temperature rise of the cable often causes the weak insulation of the cable to be broken down first, so in the summer, the cable has a lot of failures.

2. The external force of ul electron wire is damaged. Judging from the analysis of the operation in recent years, especially in the rapid economic development, quite a few cable failures are caused by mechanical damage to the cable connector failure. Cable joints are a weak link in cable lines, and cable joint failures caused by direct negligence of personnel (poor construction) often occur. In the process of making cable joints, if the construction staff has any original network, such as inadequate crimping or insufficient heating, all of them will cause the insulation of the cable head to decrease, which will cause an accident.

Contact information

Mr. Li: +86-18688316819
Miss Wang: +86-13763180032
Fax: +86-0769-85704528

Service hotline

Main: UL electronic cable, UL power cable
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